Its great info very useful. Kol hakavod
Its great info very useful. Kol hakavod
I have been getting my news through several sources and many times much of the news items get repeated and reading and sorting through them is tedious and wasteful. This app collects those news items and adds many sources I have not been aware of, and presents them in an orderly fashion with the option to go back to earlier items as well as forward or save articles. This is an app I didnt think I would really need that turns out much better than I expected. Thanks to the app creators for their efforts
Thanks for the App that provides highly informative content that covers many relevant topics including the assault by BDS on Israel and Jews which must be fought back
This is an amazing app that gives you the true facts about Israel. No advocate for Israel should go without it.
Should be used by all thinking decent people. Hope the minor bugs will be fixed soon
It makes it easy to find everything I am interested in from Israel in on place.
Finally a wonderful app that gathers positive articles about Israel from the Media!
A great resource.
Nothing out there like this app that consolidates all the Israeli talk , articles , blogs into one place , Good job !
Great info !
There is no better way for me to stay informed about positive developments in whats going on with Israel, with the topics Im most interests in, and then to easily share the stories with my friends. I love Talk Israel!!
I love that I can open the app up and find such awesome articles about Israel in the areas in interested in. Its really helpful!
Thank you for creating such a wonderful resource
Great idea! Has so many resources, and different topics, you can spend hours on it, and learn so much!
Everything I want to know on one convenient app. What took you so long to get here?