Very good initiative, thanks!
Very good initiative, thanks!
Easy to be used & much more worth than all these "Infos" you get by German authorities. Tanks a lot
Excellent app for those seeking truth and not the usual biased information you get in the regular media
Extraordinary and stunning app!!!
Not just another Israel news scratch app. Can be customized to your subjects of interests, well organized and nice layout.
A great go to app gathering all types of news about Israel. Earlier than searching the web and much less clutter on social media. Youre going to love this one.
Nice work Amir. I wish I could have used his when I was in college. This is perfect.
I love the ease of getting the articles I am interested in.
Great app!
I like that this app brings all the articles to me. I know that only the best of best content is on there. I dont have to worry about where the articles are coming from. Am Yisrael Chai!
Great app that really shows the full picture, beyond what the media portrays. If you are confused about what is going on with the conflict I highly recommend this app.
Great app functionality, and awesome content.
Excited to keep working on this app with our community!
All of the content about Israel u might want, sorted by interest, prepared to share, what more could u ask for?
I am so happy this app came to be! I finally have a convenient way to spread the good word about Israel!! Way to go Talk Israel!
I was waiting for something like this to come out! Thank you!! Very needed and extremely insightful, educational and useful! Have already shared with my network!
Essential for any pro-Israel activist!
There arent many places where you can go to find just such an amazing amount of terrific information formatted for social media. Gotta get this app.
Well-designed and effective app. Kudos to the mission!
Great resource, very useful!!